Our Mission

Biomass Gasification Products (BGP) International is a leading innovator in biomass waste management technologies, and is committed to empowering communities (farming, municipalities) and industries with waste management issues, with improved solutions and technologies for a cleaner world, while protecting the environment. In doing so, BGP International, provides all stakeholders, employees, farmers, municipalities, suppliers and partners, an opportunity in making a meaningful environmental impact in our communities today, for a better tomorrow.



BGP International's is a privately held company based out of Mississauga Ontario, Canada and a US office located in Raleigh North Carolina USA. BGP International has developed solutions for many environmental problems across the globe to assist in environmental waste issues.

Established in 1996, the main focus was on finding an answer to the issues arising from medical waste incineration, and the need for a cleaner safer alternative.  From these origins our focus shifted to finding an answer to the growing challenges of biomass waste management; while empowering farming communities to have more control of their operations.  


Technology Patents

The biomass gasification process used by BGP is a patented system, with additional patents pending and registered in 18 countries including the United States, Canada, European Union, United Kingdom, South America and Asia. 



Finding sustainable solutions to manage biomass waste is a growing challenge. For example, farm operations in the United States alone generate over 1.5 billion tons of biomass waste every year (feedlots, manure, and mortality).  This is increased monumentally when we consider municipal organics such as land fill diversion and waste water.

One of the primary environmental issues with biomass waste everywhere is that most of it is unprocessed and its disposal for the most part is unregulated. Unfortunately, unprocessed biomass waste often finds its way back into the ecosystem adding contaminants such as pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and other infectious agents into the environment.  Also, the traditional practice of spreading of waste onto lands often has the side effect of over-nutrifying water sources which often leads to a number of environmental problems. 

Today, farming and agricultural communities do not have an economical and sustainable alternative to the common processes of dumping, burying and spreading biomass waste on lands.  Application of BGP International's gasification technologies to manage biomass waste all but eliminates any adverse impact to the environment.

Smaller communities and the Agri-industry in particular are increasingly concerned with preventing all forms of outbreak (e.g. Mad Cow, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, Foot and mouth disease, Ebola etc.) To combat such threats, BGP’s Mobile Solution is perfectly suited to be deployed to any hotspot and within hours be operational to begin preventing any further contagion. More often we find that in a localized application an onsite BGP solution would work perfectly to manage animal mortality or bio waste.

BGP’s highly adaptable solutions allows us to build working solutions for our clients that can be deployed to manage various forms of bio waste which include but are not limited to the following:

  • Manure Management

  • Deadstock mortality management

  • Municipal waste water organics and organic landfill diversion

  • Rice hulls & coconut husks

  • Cannabis, Vine and orchard clippings, Green house organics

  • Mushroom substrate,

  • Distilled must

  • Rendering and processing plant waste

  • Virtually any biohazard