
Faced with the global mounting pressure of increase livestock farming and the challenges inherent within feedlots farming is overburdening precious resources with mountains of manure. Municipalities are meeting with legislative changes to deal with organic waste/waste water diversion away from land fill. With global limitations to limiting the spreading and spraying of manures on farmlands and legislative changes within municipalities is leading to the following:

  • Over nitrification of soil and water reservoirs/basins
  • Reclamation of nutrients sitting in waste
  • Manure clean-up and collection from feedlot and pens including costs
  • Costly transportation
  • Costly solutions away from landfill

BGP Solution

BGP systems has been proven to be highly effective in dealing with sludge wastes specifically, manure from cattle and poultry farms. Additional testing has also been completed on items such as mushroom substrate and swine manure.

The elimination via gasification of the manure or Municipal organic waste/waste water is next generational closed loop in providing end to end life cycle in managing waste streams creating:

  • Ash residual from base manure or waste can be as low as 5%.
  • Ash/fertilizer - Nutrient rich ash can be considered on farm potash is sellable as new revenue streams for farms and municipalities
  • Nutrient for feedstock - reclamation of inert nutrients for sellable new revenue streams for feedlot/farms
  • Ash residual for building materials/products - Sellable as revenue stream while being utilized as a fire retardent and inert building material
  • Environmental clean up - On site elimination of Bio mass organics.
  • Ability to produce energy for heat or electricity

Ash Residual

BGP ash residual has undergone testing for safe use as a fertilizer at the University of North Carolina.  In additional BGP Ash analysis was also subjected to TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) by the EPA.

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Nutrient Value for reclamation

Additionally, a key application of the sterile and nutrient rich ash is the opportunity to for it to be utilized as a commercial fertilizer. The fertilizer can be sold by the farmer or a shared revenue source for the farmer and BGP.  

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