

How does it Work?

The BGP process is a patented system for the management of biomass wastes and bio-hazardous materials. It is a high temperature method that vaporizes the bio-mass with no direct flame and then oxidizes the fume in an after-burning chamber. Heat is transferred through the hearth which acts as the ceiling for the afterburner.

Unique to BGP International is an energy loop that is formed, whereby the energy generated in the after-burning chamber is fed back into the waste mass to assist the volatizing process. Off-gases are exposed to a temperature of 1,000 Centigrade/1,800 Fahrenheit as the cycle progresses; resulting in a safe, sterile and inert ash.  The primary (waste load) chamber operates in an endothermic manner. 

BGP International technology is is NOT an incineration process. 

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BGP Process

The BGP Process provides our customers;

  • Access to a clean, reliable and renewable energy source
  • An aditional revenue source by way of the inert ash and where applicable electricity generation
    • Inert ash sold or used as fertilizer (a form of on site pot ash)
    • Sale of Ash as building material in concrete or drywall (inert and fire retardent)
    • Sale of Ash as activated charcoal filtration agent, 
    • Sale energy direct to local power authority
  • An onsite, sustainable and economical solution for the management of biomass waste
  • Energy savings and pollution prevention features
  • Thermal processing to eliminate harmful microbes and emissions

Contrast to Incineration

Incinerators tend to be designed for high volume throughput; as a result, they try to ‘force’ the waste to combust by firing the flame into the waste mass; agitating the material.

This results in two basic problems:

  • small bits of particulate (smoke) are released from the waste bed
  • the combustion process is destabilized

    These two problems lead to incomplete combustion and result in the production of pollutants, such as dioxins and furans (organo-chlorides) that are highly undesirable.  


The key advantage BGP units are that they are proven to be stable combustors that create virtually no particulate emission. The completeness of combustion in our patented process delivers the results needed to meet modern emission standards. 

BGP has had independent third party analysis completed and have results that meet and/or exceed EPA Clean Air requirements in both the United States and the United Kingdom.



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